Monday 7 April 2014

Shoes for the beast

It was coming to that time when I had to make up my mind what sort of tyres I would fit to the bike. I'd enrolled in the BMW two day off road course and they recommended having correct tyres for this. Luckily I was due for new tyres so I wasn't throwing out half decent road tyres as some guys did. A bit of research narrowed it down to two tyres - the Continental TKC80's or the Metzler Karoo's.

But it's never that easy right? Doing a bit of a ring around I soon found that only the TKC's where available locally. Everyone else wanted to sell you their choice of the best tyre available. The TKC's came well recommended and where the tyres that came standard on the BMW adventure bikes and are the preferred tyre by the guys running the off road course. So in goes the bike to get two new tyres fitted - $480 thanks for coming

Now I have to say - they do look good on the bike and they definitely worked well off road even though I am a novice in this area. Definitely not as slippery as the Metzler Tourance I had on previously. Since putting them on the bike I've done around 5 thousand K's and they've worn well and are not as bothersome on the tar as I thought they might be. 

Of course the bike wasn't the only beast that needed new shoes - so did the rider. Again more research (you gotta love the internet right?) and I settled on a pair of Forma Adventure Boots. I bought them on-line from Andy Strapz and I can't believe how good their service was. You can check out his website here -